

Both sports associations and sports event organizers bear an ecological responsibility. The selection of a building site for sports facilities can directly impact the ecosystem. It is crucial to adequately take into account nature and landscape conservation concerns even when awarding and planning an event and to create a viable organizational framework for them.



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Measures Relevance Responsible Check
Ensure the long-term use of sports facilities as training and competition venues. Very important Sports association
Sports facility operator
Establish a roundtable to address existing or impending conflicts and include all involved parties. Important Organizer
any relevant stakeholder
Make use of ecological criteria when evaluating and comparing location options. Important Organizer
Sports facility operator
Establish a means of dialogue and cooperation with environmental and nature conservation organizations, experts and specialized authorities. Important Organizer
Sector agency
Adequately take into account environmental concerns in your award decision. Very important Sports association
Define a guiding principle and goals. Important Organizer
Inquire about environmental concerns during the application process. Very important Sports association
Assign a specific person to be accountable for environmental concerns in the concept and application. Very important Organizer
Ensure a sufficient financial budget for environmental and sustainability topics. Important Organizer
Sports facility operator
Carry out environmental screening in the application phase. Very important Organizer
Sports facility operator
  • Law Law
  • Very important Very important
  • Important Important
Deutscher Olympischer Sportbund
Ressort Breitensport, Sporträume

Otto-Fleck-Schneise 12
D-60528 Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Frau Inge Egli

Phone: +49 (0)69 6700 278

Frau Bianca Quardokus

Phone: +49 (0)69 6700 283