
Minimization of space requirements and their sustainable use

Large sports events typically require a greater amount of space than that required by the normal operation of sports facilities. To meet this need, existing structures and facilities should be used wherever possible. For new constructions or temporary facilities, landscape conservation concerns must be examined since both the way space is used and the duration of its use are crucial when it comes to effects on nature and the surrounding landscape.



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Measures Relevance Responsible Check
Apply a soil protection system for the temporary use of meadow areas. Important Sports facility operator
Technical expert
Avoid holding events during the breeding and rearing seasons of sensitive wildlife and birds and make use of control measures to avoid disturbing them. Important Organizer
Sports facility operator
Avoid interventions in legally protected habitats. Law Organizer
Sports facility operator
Avoid soil sealing. Law Organizer
Sports facility operator
Minimize space requirements. Law Sports facility operator
Plan routes in an environmentally and nature-friendly fashion (carry out environmental impact or FFH assessment when possible). Law Organizer
Sports facility operator
Sector agency
Technical expert
Use existing routes and paths. Important Organizer
Sports facility operator
Sector agency
Technical expert
Where applicable, take into account special species protection according to the German federal law on nature conservation. Law Sports facility operator
Steer visitor flow in a targeted manner via route maps and clear signage for catering and toilet facilities. Important Sports facility operator
  • Law Law
  • Very important Very important
  • Important Important
Deutscher Olympischer Sportbund
Ressort Breitensport, Sporträume

Otto-Fleck-Schneise 12
D-60528 Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Frau Inge Egli

Phone: +49 (0)69 6700 278

Frau Bianca Quardokus

Phone: +49 (0)69 6700 283